New Recurring Feature: T-Shirt Tuesdays


Super Cool! - and exactly what it sounds like. This is the first of what will become a recurring Tuesday blog feature, where I highlight a T-Shirt from my collection in a short post, and wear it – pretty awesome stuff!

This inaugural T-shirt feature goes to one of my favorites, a rendering of Jack Bush’s painting Pink Moon.  Jack Bush was a notable Canadian abstract painter, and this T was purchased at the Art Gallery of Ontario, as a gift for me by my loving wife Jenny  The shirt is pretty cool to me on several levels, I like it aesthetically in terms of both form and colour, and its both abstract and subdued enough to be wearable in a number of situations where a typical graphic T wouldn’t be appropriate.  Beyond that, it kinda looks like a K and my name is Keith – and as a bonus (that wasn’t lost on Jenny) Bush is a nickname I’ve carried throughout my life (explanation some other time), so a K – T by Bush is right on the money for KW.